This quick and easy guide will show you all 4 puppy locations for the Callmehbob Quest in Roblox Royale High. We will show you all of the locations in this guide, and also information on how to get there.
This quest shouldn’t take you long at all to complete, maybe around 10 minutes if you are quick.
Callmehbob Quest
To actually start the quest you have to go to the entrance of the Happy New Year festival area. Its quite easy to find so it shouldn’t take you too long to start the quest.
Simply talk to her to start the quest, you will see some puppies to the left and this is what your going to have to look out for to collect. You can also talk to LauncelotHandsome to start the quest!
Puppy Locations
For the 1st puppy location, you will have to fly to the glowing white ball, above the 2021 tower. Once you have flew up to the glowing ball, you will see a sleeping puppy, simply click on it to collect it.
For the next puppy, you have to go to the shop window back down at the ground, this is where Vioncii stands. You will be able to see a puppy in the window, you will have to get in there to collect it.
To get inside the window simply fly behind the building by flying up a little to be able to pass the invisible barrier, next you will see a small hole on the ground. You will have to fly through the hole to collect the puppy.
The next puppy apart of the Callmehbob quest is actually located in the Sewer. To get into the sewer you will have to locate the lid of a sewer with green paw prints leading into it. You will find this on the road. Simply click on the sewer lid to open it.
In the sewer you have to search for 4 different parts of the code. The characters you find will be a mix of numbers and letters. It might be a bit time consuming, but keep on going as its quite simple to find all the codes. Also, I highly recommend writing them down so you don’t forget them! We would give you our code but everyone’s code is different so you have to find your own.
Once you have found your code pieces, there will be a door at the end of one of the tunnels near the start of the sewer, it has blue paw prints leading into it. You can simply walk through this secret door and drop down to where you can enter your code.
Once you have entered in your code the door will open and there will be a puppy on a bed for you to collect!
The final puppy location is really simple to find! The puppy is located behind where you started the Callmehbob quest, simply look behind the NPCs and you will find a puppy there!
You do need to complete these steps in the same order as above to complete the Callmehbob quest or else it wont work!
Video Guide
If you are having any issues finding puppy locations for the Callmehbob quest, you can watch NoobBlox’s video showing you all the locations!