This quick and easy guide will show you all 35 shopping bag locations for the Vioncii Quest in Roblox Royale High. We can’t provide you with the exact locations for the shopping bags as they are different for everyone and the locations of the shopping bags change every 5 minutes, but we can give you ideas of where you might find them.
This quest will take you around 15 minutes to complete if you are quick.
Vioncii Quest
To actually start the quest you will have to go to a shop window located in the area you spawn in, simply run around the outside of the map and you will find Vioncii.
Simply talk to her start the quest, you will see a shopping bag icon to the left, this is what you need to be looking out for to collect.
Shopping Bag Locations
As said earlier, some of these shopping bag locations wont be the same for you, but we will provide you with good ideas of where to look.
I recommend looking for shopping bags in the centre garden area, we found our shopping bags on the 4 corners of the fence, they glow so its quite easy to identify them.
You can also find shopping bags in between the buildings along the outside of the map, they are located behind the fences.
Another common shopping bag location is on the train tracks on both ends of the map, you will need to fly to get here.
Around the festival/stage area there is a small patch of grass separated by a fence, we found quite a few of our shopping bags over there.
You can also find some of the shopping bags for the Vioncii Quest hanging from lampposts so make sure you look for some there!
If there are any areas that are up high I recommend flying to see if there are any shopping bags there. Flying is very useful to this quest and will help you identify lots of shopping bags.
Video Guide
If you are having any issues finding shopping bag locations for the Vioncii quest, you can watch NoobBlox’s video showing you all the locations!